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A group of disfigured people gather near a railroad in a desert where they are killed by a mysterious gunslinger named Aman (Wesley Snipes), who also rips out the head and spine from one of the dead bodies.

Nearby in the same desert, a group of criminals are waiting to be transported. Aman arrives, kills most of the guards, and frees one criminal called Fabulos (Riley Smith). The rest of the criminals nonetheless end up being transported to a small settlement where they are supposed to be hanged. However, just as they arrive, the settlement is attacked by a bizarre gang led by a skinless man named Kansa (Kevin Howarth), who slaughters most of the inhabitants.

Through flashbacks, it is revealed that the same gang of outlaws once raped Aman's lover. so he went after them and brutally killed them while they were imprisoned and defenseless. While Aman was running away, he was killed. so his mother, who is a nun, broke her covenant with God and sacrificed herself to save him, which in turn cursed him for life. The curse makes all the people killed by Aman come back to life, so all the gang members that Aman had killed returned as undead to seek revenge, except for Kansa's son who remained dead. The undead lose their skin after a week, so they remove the skins from the people they kill to use as replacements. The only way the undead can be killed is by destroying their brains.

While Aman and Fabulos are visiting a woman and child, part of the undead gang attacks. But the four manage to kill all the attackers. However, Fabulos is severely wounded, so Aman kills him in order for him to come back as undead.

Kansa, who has put on a new skin, and his remaining 2 undead followers arrive at a secret temple with the beautiful Angel (Tanit Phoenix) whom they took hostage back in the settlement. Kansa believes that inside the temple they will find a way to resurrect his dead son, but this proves to be false. Aman and the undead Fabulos soon catch up with them, and Aman kills Kansa and his followers. While Aman is leaving with Kansa's head in his hand, Angel seductively approaches Fabulos. 

Cast: Wesley Snipes | Kevin Howarth | Riley Smith | Tanit Phoenix | Patrick Bergin | Steven Elder | Diamond Dallas Page | Jenny Gago | Simona Brhlikova | Alyssa Pridham | Alex Avant | Hector Hank | Jonathan Garcí.


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