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Episode 1 of Furies season 1 starts in Paris, 1999. A stylish opener introduces us to an assassin called The Fury, a woman who has her head deep in the crime game. It’s chaos as she fights her way down an underground passageway, firing bullets and killing her targets with ease.

Our story starts in the present, with Lyna flying close to the sun. Her partner, Elie, is a cop while her parents disapprove of this partnership given they’re both criminals. Things are going great though, and while Lyna looks set to celebrate her birthday, unbeknownst to her, this is about to be the worst birthday of her life.

When she leaves the house, Mr Laroche the banker rings and freezes her account. You see, Lyna’s father is the Parisian underworld’s accountant. He launders and redistributes money around and he’s an infamous figure in the game. For her birthday, he transfers over 2 million euros, hence why its caused alarm at the bank.

However, Lyna celebrates her birthday over with her parents at their house but just before blowing out the candle, a gunshot sounds and kills her father outright. Blood spills into the cake, while Lyna is thrown into the vault, forced to endure the grief and anguish from seeing her father killed.

Lyna ends up down at the station with the police, where she learns her mum is still alive. It’s a small bit of salvation, but it seems like The Fury was the one who killed her pa. Unfortunately, Lyna ends up behind bars for her efforts, and she struggles to hold her own against other inmates. However, that’s not for the want of trying to practice and get better.

Unfortunately, Lyna’s father’s death is pretty much swept under the rug. For many of the officers on the force, it’s a good thing given they no longer need to worry about his criminal activities. Lyna is on her own, and without retribution or a chance to get justice, she’s left to rot behind bars.

5 months later and she’s still behind bars. However, she has a bad temper and after being assaulted by one of the prison guards – the same one who sexually assaulted her months earlier – she smacks her upside the head with a metal tray. She’s sent to solitary but thanks to a book she’s found in the library, labelled Self-Defence, Lyna has now become a new woman and can more than hold her own.

Lyna eventually does go free but avoids any confrontations with Elie, who shows up with a big ol’ teddy bear. Instead, Lyna heads off to see her mum, who is in a wheelchair… and can’t remember who Lyna is. She has amnesia but this only drives Lyna forward. She’s determined to figure out who did this to her father – and why. First up, it’s time to follow the money.

It doesn’t take long for word to reach The Fury that Lyna is after her. She takes this intel in her stride and adds the surveillance shot to the rest of the pictures she has hung up on the wall. She promises her lackey, The Fixer, that she’s going to keep an eye on her.

As for Lyna, she recklessly ends up at a blackjack table, with the loser not just forced to lose their money…but also  their hand too by smashing it with a hammer. There are six hammer cards in the deck and, worried she may face the worst, Lyna decides to hightail it away from the table after causing a distraction. However, the guy in charge, Orso, realizes that he actually lost the card game and ends up taking an interest in her.




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