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Talent Care Performing Arts, Films and Media Group is preparing to launch a film called ‘Above the Brave’ which will be talking about the Heroism of Nyange students and teach about heroism culture among Rwandans, specifically youth.

Speaking to the CEO and founder of Talent Care Performing Arts, Films and Media Group and the script writer of this film, Isae Karinda told The New Times that they chose to make a film about these students because of their brave acts which shouldn’t be done by anyone else.

“We chose to work on the heroism of Nyange students to elevate and teach the heroism culture as well as inspiring the country’s youth. Where Rwanda stands now needs the heroic youth who can be able to do everything for their country, Karinda said.

“Nyange students have shown altruistic endeavors and stood for the Rwandan unity which should be an example to the youth and for myself they are a good role model,” he added.

Karinda explained that the film ‘Above the Brave’ will be showing what happened during the 1997 attacks of infiltrators known as Abacengezi at the ES Nyange in Ngororero District.

“This film will be showing everything people ask themselves about what happened during the 1997 attacks where these infiltrators came from Masisi in Democratic Republic of Congo former Zaire and many of them were the Genocide perpetrators who had escaped the country after RPF liberated the country,” he explained.

“Above the Brave’ also has a part which shows how ancient Rwandans were living in unity and how they had a bravery culture, '' he added.

The film which has been written since 2021 will be officially launched on June 24 at Canal Olympia, Rebero and will be premiered at different international festivals before the launch, Karinda the writer, director and producer revealed.

“We started to write this film in October 2021 and before it is launched, we are approaching some big international festivals which should lift up its value on the local and international market as well as spread the message to many people around the world,” Karinda noted.  

Some of the actors and actress who are in this film are Daniel Gaga known as Ngenzi in ‘Inzozi’ film, Didier Kamanzi known as Maxwell Manzi in ‘Rwasa’ and currently is acting in ‘Seburikoko’, Adeline Byukusenge known as Noella in ‘Impanga series’, Esperance Uwamurera known as Sheila in ‘Gitera film’ which is also produced by Talent Care Performing Arts, Film and Media and Maman Trecy in ‘Impanga series’ as well as other renowned actors and actress in Rwanda.

Karinda as a writer, director and producer hopes this film will get more attention among the youth and contribute to the National unity and superhuman culture in Rwandans and draw lessons from Nyange heroes to everyone who will watch it.

“I believe that this film will be more attractive to many people especially youth and will play a big role in peace building, heroism, culture promotion and raising patriotism as well as prevent any form of hatred and divisionism,” he said.

Besides the expectation he has on this film, Karinda asked the Ministry of Youth and Culture to give Cinema production in Rwanda and other parts of these kinds of arts the value and support, especially in a financial manner.


Twibuke Twiyubaka

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